Ten years. Jennifer Wilkerson

Posted: July 10, 2014 in Uncategorized

I’m sure that most of you have noticed that I collect people. If you are nice to me, I will be loyal to you and help you anyway that I can. I am not sure if this is because I have really low self-esteem and want people to like me, or if I just want to keep finding the good in life. I believe that people come into your life for a reason, and I will try to find the good in our meetings.

Jennifer Wilkerson was someone I was happy to collect, or maybe she collected me. This is our story.

(I was in a really bad place in my life, when I met Jennifer. Don’t judge me to harshly. To put it in perspective I had just left my abusive ex. I was trying to come to terms, that I had allowed that to happen to me. My family and support system was states away. I leaned a lot on my best friend, but even she was strained with the person I was at the time. She stood by me, and I am forever thankful that I have her in my life. Love you Heather 🙂 )

I was dating the first person that showed any signs of attraction to me, at the time. The best way to describe myself is pathetic. I needed something that I should have been seeking in myself instead of others. (I still to this day struggle with this) Sorry went off track there, this is a really hard post to write.

One night I was sick. I was alone in my little ghetto duplex, with the flu wishing that I could make it go away. I decided to call my “boyfriend” to see if he could bring me some medicine. I’m not going to lie, I really wasn’t surprised when a girl answered the phone.

“Why are you calling my boyfriends phone?” She asked.

“That’s is funny he is my boyfriend too, but you can have him. I am done.” I responded hoping that I could catch my eyeball before the dog got it, if it decided to pop out from the pressure in my head. I will tell you I was surprised by her response.

“Are you, Ok?” She asked me.

“No, I have the flu, which I have never had before. I was just calling to get him to bring me medicine. I can not tell you how pathetic I feel right now.” I responded, resigned to the fact that there was no way I could catch my eyeball, and the dog would have a green eyed feast soon.

“Poor, baby. Do you want me to bring you something?” I am not kidding, she actually in all honesty asked me this. This was the amazing person she is.

“No, I am just going to go lie in bed and hope to pass out,” I responded.

I don’t really remember how it happened, it was eleven years ago, but somehow we ended up making plans to go to lunch when I felt better. I made my best friend go with me, just in case this girl was crazy. ( I have a really really bad habit of trusting everyone.) When I walked into the restaurant, and saw Jennifer I knew we were going to be friends immediately. My best friend realized that she wasn’t going to get all stabby on me, and left.

We actually went, and broke up with our “boyfriend” together.  The look on his face is something I will never forget, especially when we told him we understood why he was dating the other because we were both so fucking awesome.

I started hanging out with Jennifer a lot. I hated being alone in my house, my ex would show up unexpectedly and I would let him in. ( I had no self-esteem, also my best friend needed a break) When Jennifer found this out, she would make me come over to her house and watch the Lion King, she loved that movie.

One New Years I made a resolution, that I wasn’t going to flash for the whole year ( I have a  problem with flashing people) Jennifer told me I couldn’t last ten minutes, she was right. (I think I was sabotaged though. I’m pretty sure she made the guy ask me to show them to him)

After awhile I really didn’t like the person I was. I knew it was time to move back to Cali. The ex was getting more aggressive, but then proposed to some girl. NOBODY believed me when I told them he was still showing up at my house. They figured he had moved on, and I was crazy. I called my parents, and had them come get me. We left in the middle of the night, I left everyone I loved there and I missed them so much.

Jennifer called me all the time, telling me to get my ass back to Texas. (I had a voicemail from her, that I lost when I switched cell phone carriers.)  She had me convinced that I should move back to Texas. We had planned to get an apartment together. I was stronger when I moved to California, and thought that I was able to live a more productive life if I moved to Texas than the last time.

On my 23rd birthday I called her, because I hadn’t heard from her that day. We were planning on searching for apartments, and she was excited for my birthday. Her roommate answered the phone, and asked if I had heard from Jennifer. I told her I hadn’t and that was why I was calling. I haven’t heard from her since. She just disappeared.  I miss her dearly, and my birthday always makes me a little melancholy. (If you are doing the math, yes I will be 33 on Monday. Ugh)

As a birthday present if you could go, and like Jennifer’s Facebook page I would really appreciate it. She also has a website that explains about her disappearance.


http://www.findjenniferwilkerson.wagls.com/JenniferJennifer 2

  1. Heather says:

    Strained was more worried. I love you.


  2. FAcebook page has been Liked.


  3. mblaylock4 says:

    Wow, Joy. I’m so sorry about Jennifer’s disappearance. I can’t imagine the void it must present for you and her loved ones. Fingers crossed and tons of good juju thrown out there in hopes that she makes it back to you all safe and sound. Thanks for sharing such a painful story. (Oh, and fuck the abusive ex. Good for you, getting the hell out of that one.) xx


  4. bleh says:

    I feel incredibly bad for you dude :


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